Monday, July 7, 2008

parties and pigs

This weekend was a trip. I mean, a trip. Overall, I had a good time, fourth of July I ended up going to a little festival and watching a mediocre fireworks show, and that was fun. Most of it was because I enjoyed spending time with my dad. I really love doing that. I petted the horses and chilled in coffee shops, and me, P and K went to a party Saturday night. It was a fun party, and I had a good time. P and K left around 2 and I partied on until the early morning hours, eventually passing out and going out to IHOP with some friends in the early morning hours, and spending the early morning getting a few hours shuteye at T and D's apartment. From there, P and K picked me up, we went back to San Marcos, and shopped for a bit, just a bit :) and we left for Denton around 6. Needless to say, its a 5 hour drive with some traffic.

So why did it take ten hours?

Why. Why. WHY?

So, We came to the conclusion that God hates P and has cursed his car for driving down to Austin, particularly on holiday weekends.

Driving ten hours in a car is not fun, spending four of it in stop and go (mostly stop) traffic, is even worse, having a grumpy kitty in a carrier who needs to eat, piss, and probably shit, is pretty fucking bad as well.

Ce'st la Vie...right?

What a night- day- exploding semi that caught on fire and may as well have been a small neuclear weapon that got discharged onto the middle of 35.

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