Friday, June 5, 2009

True Love's Kiss

So...anyone who knows me also knows that this is
posted *everywhere* literally,
every journal,every blog. Well,
its stuck in my head, I'm a romantic,
what can I say? And probably
a little delusional too.
(Sorry guys, my formatting is acting weird)

"True Love's Kiss" -Enchanted (Disney)

When you meet this someone
who is meant for you
Before two can become one
there's something you must do
(Woodland Creatures)
Do you pull eachother's tails?
Do you feed eachother seeds?
[Laughs] No, There is something sweeter everybody needs.

I've been dreaming of a true love's kiss
And a prince, I'm hoping, comes with this
That's what brings ever-aftering so happy
That's the reason we need lips so much
For lips are the only things that touch
So to spend a life of endless bliss
Just find who you love through true love's kiss

Ahahahaha Ahahahaha Ahahahahaha
(Woodland Creatures)
Ahahahaha Ahahahaha Ahahahahaha
She's been dreaming of a true love's kiss
And a prince, she's hoping, comes with this
That's what springs ever-afterings so happy
That's the reason we need lips so much
For lips are the only things that touch
So to spend a life of endless bliss
Just find who you love through true love's kiss

You're the fairest maid I've ever met
You were made (G/A) to finish your duet
And in years to come we'll reminisce
How we came to love
And grew and grew love
Since first we knew love through True Love's Kiss!

Tuesday, June 2, 2009


Tonight, I feel empty.

Sad, empty, and sick.

Well, I've felt sick all day, and somehow the realization that there is no one to take care of me but me hits home, and hurts. I want to cry and I just might. Today, I just want a hug and some chicken soup and jello (I don't like either, but its the thought that counts!). Kind words from a friend or parent. I desire to feel loved.

I feel like I am asking too much, even though I don't think I am asking for much at all.


Sometimes, I just want a boyfriend so theres someone to take care of me when im sick. :'(

Monday, June 1, 2009


I could have written one of these.


But it wouldnt be a secret if I told you.


Saturday, May 30, 2009


So. I have this thing. A pet peeve. I am chronically on time and I HATE when people are late. Hate it. Really hate it. Ten or fifteen minutes I can live with, but someone said they would come help me move and they are so far a whopping 3 hours and 40 minutes LATE....

I am ripping out my hair in frustration, and am telling myself I wont yell at them when they get here. Because they just dont *get* how much it bugs me. Its the second time theyve done it too. If someone tells me a time, they had better be there at *that time* dammit.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Lactose Intolerance,

I know blog, its been awhile. I discovered twitter and then dissapeared. Well, now I'm back, for the moment at least. Did you know I'm lactose intolerant? I didn't. Its really looking that way though. I wont go into the nitty gritty details, but lets just say that it runs in my family and i need to lay off the milk based yummyness. :(

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Can Haz Twitter?

I made a twitter account. I am now linked into the great world that is microblogging. To celebrate this, I am macroblogging it, while at work. Hopefully none of my co- workers read this and get onto me about it. :)

Not to much is going on in my life, I am going to go camping for spring break-- Somewhere -- we still need to make reservations. Which we will do tonight. Jared had a fight with the bank so that put off our reservation making.

This weekend we will be going down to austin for a party, hopefully. As well as gathering the rest of our camping supplies. :)

I am pretty excited. I havnt seen my family in awhile, and I dont know if i will have time to see them this weekend. :(. I recieved a package from my father today. He 2 day fedexed me some perfume from his last trip to france. He took a trip to Grasse and picked me up some perfume at Molinard. ^_^;;. Its pretty divine, and i need to go squee about it on the BPAL forums. I also need to order the roses from BPAL but that may have to wait. We shall see.

I have been getting involved in foodblogging, and though my food photography isnt yet up to snuff, its a fun community and I am enjoying the challenges. I am tackling one at a time, and still have to put the banners for Recipes to Rival and Daring Bakers up on this blog. There are a few other foodblogging comunities I would like to take part in, but i have time constraints. Like work, and life.

I've been too busy to upload alot of my real camera pictures, like i have an AMAZING mac and cheese post to make, and i should replace the pics in the boston cream pie post. And i think i still have a cookie post from MONTHS ago to make. Not to mention some funny pictures of the bf to put up. :)

Keep looking, ill get some free time one of these days.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Boston Cream Pie

Apparently boston cream pie is difficult to make.

This is, of course, according to my boyfriend, who remembers watching his grandmother slave over a hot stove, folding cake batter upon itself, and making ganache and pastry cream for hours on end.

I wouldn't call it DIFFICULT, i would say its a waiting game, where everything has to be done in exactly the right order or your royally fuxxored.

Once again, a crappy camera phone picture. But this was tasty.

I havn't mastered the art of making ganache look elegant...but i will. I think perhaps i should have just made more of it, and spread it like icing... Maybe next time.

Feb. Daring Baker

I have been very VERY busy with work and

And a shoddy from my camera phone it is, but here is February's daring baker post for me. (Two days late!)

I have cooked and baked a LOT of other things that I want to post. But this is the most pressing, so it gets the honor of being posted while I am at work. Usually I wouldnt post something if it didnt turn out 100%, and this was DEFINITELY not 100%. In fact, I overwhipped the egg whites, slightly overcooked it, and it was dryish and a little burnt. :/. So much for my first daring bakers challenge. It ended up turning into chocolate milkshakes that I TRIED to take pictures of for stories sake, but failed at that too.

No chocolate valentinos for me.

But i do have to say one thing, it was fun!

Friday, January 23, 2009

Chinese Buffets are not always yummeh.

Mah Tummeh Hurts.

I waaay overate last night, like super. Like waaaay.

I ate so much I still feel sick and pukey. Uck. But the food was SOOO good.

Thursday, January 22, 2009



My Boyfriend is SPECTACULAR

'Nuff Said.